
    About Model School

    Model School for the Visually Handicapped was inaugurated on 4th January 1959 by Govt. of India on the occasion of 150th birth anniversary of Louis Braille, the inventor of Braille script that facilitates teaching and learning for the blind. At present, there are 240 students enrolled in this co-educational residential school situated at 116, Rajpur Road, Derhadun. The primary objective of the school is to facilitate teaching and learning of visually challenged students for which the school is geared with all possible resources and staff for this purpose. The school intents to enable students to be self dependent in their life in spite of their visual impairment. Every effort is made for all round personality development of students.

    The mission of our school is that every learner enrolled in the school is “BRAILLE LITERATE”. Needless to say, Braille literacy for them is an indispensable step towards making the visually challenged self dependent. In accordance with the discussion held with the students and staff, decreasing interest of students in learning Braille is a worrying factor that needs to be remedied instantly. THE SCHOOL AIMS TO ATTAIN TOTAL BRAILLE LITERACY BY THE YEAR 2020. For this, dependence on the use of audio material for learning is to be reduced.

    The advent of technology for the visually challenged cannot also be lost sight of. The visually challenged too are empowered with the use of technology by installing and making use of screen reading software’s. Hence, THE MISSION OF THE SCHOOL IS TO BE COUPLED WITH ENABLING STUDENTS IN THE USE OF LATEST TECHNOLOGY ALONGWITH BRAILLE LITERACY. An empowered visually challenged youth will certainly be in a position to contribute to the progress and development of society to the best of his abilities.

    To conclude, the mission of our school is to obtain Braille literacy along with making all the students of the school technology savvy with a purpose of making them self dependent; preparing them for their career and life and ensuring their inclusion in the main stream. The school will not only make necessary arrangements for the same, but also Endeavour to motivate the stakeholders so as to achieve the mission.

    Model School for the Visually Handicapped is one of the top co-educational boarding schools, affiliated to CBSE Board (Provisional Affiliation No. 3530023 since 1987 & its extension is upto 31st Mar 2017) and established in 1959. It has students from varying backgrounds and from many different parts of the country. Mission of our School is “To educate every student to the best of his or her abilities”.

    The cascade of services and benefits offered by school include free education, board and lodging, uniform, books and equipments. The school provides an environment that encourages a questioning mind and gives students many avenues for expressing their creativity and building their skills. The students study Humanities in class XI & XII. Computers have been introduced from class three only. The dexterity of the fingers moving on the keyboard reflects the perfection of the students. Academics have adopted wide connotations in Model School for Visually Handicapped because the endeavor of the school is to work for the all round development of the children. There are four libraries i.e. Talking Book Library, School Library, Print Library & Braille Library.

    The students of the school are excellent sports persons & athletes. They have proved their capabilities in the different national & international sports competitions; the latest achievement was 4 gold and 2 bronze medals in the IBSA Youth and Students Championship 2009 held at Colorado, USA. Yoga & Judo Karate keeps them mentally fit & physically agile. To stimulate their creativity hobby classes in Music, dance and drama are also offered after the school hours.

    Important Notice
    Fees Structure – N/A

    Hobby Classes

    Hobby classes are also arranged free of cost after school hours to churn out their talents.

    The school provides an environment that encourages a questioning mind and gives students many avenues for expressing their creativity and building their skills. The School Provides following facilities:-

    • Indoor Games
    • Dance Rooms
    • Music Rooms
    • Hostels
    • Health & Medical Checkup Facility
    • School Vacations
    • Summer Vacations
    • Closed after 2nd Saturday of May & Re-open on 1st July

    Autumn Vacations

    Dussehra to Dipawali