Special Education & Research

The Institute’s HRD activities comprise Degree, Diploma and Certificate level courses in Special Education, Orientation and Mobility, Refresher/Orientation Courses for Field Functionaries, Service Providers, Policy Makers and parents of the visually impaired children. Some of these courses are being conducted at the Institute’s Headquarters, Regional Centre, Chennai and CRC, Sundernagar while others are being conducted in collaboration with State Governments and reputed NGOs in the field of visual disability either with full or partial funding.
The Institute’s Department of Special Education is a shining example of academic excellence, its alumni are rendering services to the visually impaired school children and trainee teachers across the length and breadth of the country. Many are serving country’s leading Universities and have been instrumental in promoting research in various aspects of special education. Since its inception (1984), the department has contributed 6,500 teachers and 402 Mobility Instructors which comprise approximately 70% of the trained teachers for the blind available in the country.

Dr. Vinod Kumar Kain
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Special Education (VI)
Working Since : 15 Years
- Ph.D. (Education), Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi
- M.Ed. Spl. Edu (VI)

Shri. Sunil Kumar Shirpurkar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Special Education (VI)
Working Since : 15 Years
- M.Ed. Spl. Edu (VI), NIEPVD, Dehradun

Dr. Jasmeer Singh
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Special Education (VI)
Working Since : 12 Years
- Ph.D. (Education), KUK, Kurukshetra, Haryana
- M.Ed. Spl. Edu (VI)

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Shah
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Special Education (VI)
Working Since : 12 Years
- Ph.D. (Education), BHU, Banaras, UP
- M.Ed. Spl. Edu (VI)

Dr. D. Revathi
Designation: Lecturer Education
Department: Special Education (VI)
Working Since : 13 Years
- Ph.D. Special Education
- M.Ed. Spl. Edu (VI)

Mr. Prashant Yadav
Designation: Lecturer Spl. Edu (VI)
Working Since : 04 Years
- M.Ed. Spl. Edu (ASD), NIEPMD, Chennai
- M.A. (History)

Ms. Veena Kumar
Designation: Lecturer Spl. Edu (VI)
Working Since : 04 Years
- M.Ed. Spl. Edu (VI), NIEPVD, Dehradun
- M.A. (English)

Ms. Sapna Chouhan
Designation: Instructor Spl. Ed. (VI)
Working Since : 02 Years
- M.Ed. Spl. Edu (VI)
- M.A.

Ms. Visha Hooda
Designation: Instructor Spl. Ed. (VI)
Working Since : 01 Year
- M.Ed. Spl. Edu (VI), NIEPVD, Dehradun
- M.Sc.

Ms. Kuldeep Kaur
Designation: Instructor Spl. Ed. (VI)
Working Since : 01 Year
- M.Ed. Spl. Edu (VI), NIEPVD, Dehradun
Contact Number: 0135-2736729