Handbook on Early Intervention Centers for Children with Disabilities (12.0 Mb)
Early Intervention Centre is dedicated to provide specific intervention to all categories of disabilities. The Centre is devoted to help children up to 06 years, overcome the challenges faced due to disability; by offering all types of assessment, therapy, consultation, training and special education. It also serves any children or infant at-risk of developmental delay, developmental disorder or any disability.

Outdoor play area 1

Occupational therapy room 1

Psycho-education & family counseling room 1

Trans- disciplinary room 1

Multisensory room 1

Developmental therapy room 2

Developmental therapy room 1

Speech therapy Room 2

Speech therapy Room 1

To make the place more inviting and welcoming, the walls are thoughtfully designed with bright colorful children-friendly themes.
The Centre has an indoor-play area equipped by a variety of swings, slides, games and play materials. It is well-resourced to enhance the physical and cognitive development of children.