

    National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Visual Impairment (Divyangjan) (NIEPVD) is functioning for the for the education, training, rehabilitation & empowerment of persons with visual impairment since 1943, under the administrative control of DEPwD, MSJ&E, Government of India. Its Regional Centre was established at Chennai in 1988 to cater to the training and rehabilitation needs of the visually impaired population in the Southern Region. The institute also coordinate and supervise the through its four Composite Regional Centres for Skill Development, Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities(CRCs) at Sundernagar (H.P.), Gorakhpur (U.P.) and Jaipur (Rajasthan) to provide rehabilitation services to the persons with disabilities.


    The aims and objectives of the NIEPVD as stated in the Memorandum of Association (MOA) are as follows:

    1. To conduct, sponsor, co-ordinate and/or subsidies research incollaboration with other NGOs and research organizations including universities into various dimensions of education and rehabilitation of the visually impaired.
    2. To undertake, sponsor, co-ordinate or subsidize research into biomedical engineering leading to the effective evaluation of special appliances/instruments or suitable surgical or medical procedures or the development of new special appliances/instruments.
    3. To undertake or sponsor the training of trainees and various specialized professionals including teachers, employment officers, psychologists, vocational counsellors and such other personnel as deemed necessary.
    4. To distribute, promote, or subsidize the manufacture of prototypes and to manage distribution of any or all devices designed to promote any aspect of education, rehabilitation or employment of the visually impaired.d to manage distribution of any or all devices designed to promote any aspect of education, rehabilitation or employment of the visually impaired.


    • Long-term HRD Courses(M.Ed B.Ed & D.Ed) to develop Special Educators for Persons with Visual impairment, Deaf-blindness, Multiple Disabilities; Clinical & Rehabilitation Psychology to prepare rehabilitation professionals in the field of Rehabilitation & Clinical Psychology and a certificate course in Community Based Inclusive Development(CBID).
    • Maintaining National Board of Examination Centre (NBER) on behalf of the RCI New Delhi for conducting examination, evaluation and certification in respect of approx 129 Teachers Training Centres offering D.ED Spl. Education (VI & DB) across the country.
    • Short Term & CRE Programmes for Capacity Building and Professional Development.
    • Vocational Training and Skill Development Courses.
    • School Education (Nursery to Class XII for Children with Visual Impairment & Low-vision).
    • Awareness Programmes at Community Level for Different Stakeholders.
    • Research and Development.
    • Identification of Jobs & Job Placement.
    • Implementing the project on ‘Financial Support for Development of Accessible Learning Materials (under SIPDA scheme).
    • Distribution of Aids & Appliances under ADIP Scheme.
    • Production, Distribution & Supply of Braille Aids, Appliances.
    • Production, Distribution & Supply of Accessible Learning Materials in
      Braille, Large and Audio & E-pub Formats
    • Community FM Radio (Hello-Doon) produced and Broadcast Awareness
    • Early Detection and Intervention through Early Intervention Centre.
    • Community/Outreach Programmes.
    • Clinical, Referral and Guidance & Counseling.